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2019/20 Accounts

4 May 2020

The HPC Accounts for 2019/20 are now prepared and have been audited by Mr Trevor Brown CPFA. The Accounts, Audit Reports and PKF Documentation (these are for an External Audit to take place) are all on the PC’s website and can be found here

Read more on 2019/20 Accounts

Play Park Project Update

15 April 2020

Over the winter of 2019/2020 Hollesley Parish Council applied for numerous grants for the new Play Park Equipment. In many cases we were successful but in one major application, to the National Lottery, unfortunately we were not

Read more on Play Park Project Update

Parish Council Meetings Suspended

31 March 2020

Please note that, with immediate effect and until further notice, following advice from the Suffolk Association of Local Councils, Hollesley Parish Council will not be holding physical meetings. This includes meetings of the Parish Council and the Annual Parish Meeting which was due to take place on 12th May 2020.

Read more on Parish Council Meetings Suspended

March meeting of Hollelsey PC

17 March 2020

As at 9.00am on Tuesday 17th March we are still awaiting instructions as to how we should proceed with regard to Parish Council meetings. If the meeting scheduled for 19th March is cancelled an announcement will be made here and on the Hollesley Grapevine.

Read more on March meeting of Hollelsey PC

Hollesley New Cemetery

3 March 2020

During 2020, HPC are reviewing the way we manage the Cemetery and all the processes and documentation we use. There will be much more at the Annual Parish Meeting but at the February meeting some decisions were made.

Read more on Hollesley New Cemetery

Unveiling of New Village Sign

18 February 2020

The unveiling of the new Hollesley Village Sign will take place on Sunday 15th March at 3.00pm.

Read more on Unveiling of New Village Sign

How would you cope if the electricity was off in Hollesley for 5 days?

6 January 2020

Over the past 10 or 15 years heavy snow fall and high winds have resulted in the electricity being off for a number of days at a time for some residents and back in 1987, following the Great Storm, the electricity was off for 2 weeks for some people!

Read more on How would you cope if the electricity was off in Hollesley for 5 days?

Quick Sand at Shingle Street

12 December 2019

Please note that a resident of Hollesley has reported another experience of 'quick sand' on the beach at Shingle Street.

The incident happened at very low tide and the person stuck had to abandon her wellington boots to be pulled free. The whole experience was very distressing for all concerned and has been reported to both the Environment Agency and East Suffolk Council.

Please take extreme care when walking along the shore, especially at very low tides and near the lagoon.

Read more on Quick Sand at Shingle Street

HPC Budget 2020/2021

28 November 2019

During December and January the PC will be setting their budget for 2020/21. Do you know of a project that you feel the PC should be involved in? If you do, please let us know as soon as you can as we may have to set aside funds for it

Read more on HPC Budget 2020/2021

New 71 Bus Service

19 November 2019

Have you used the new 71 Bus Service Yet?

Read more on New 71 Bus Service