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Hollesley Emergency Committee

31 March 2021

Back in 2015 HPC drafted an Emergency Plan, in line with local guidelines. However, it was never completed because very few volunteers stepped forward to be ‘Wardens’ and so the plan fell apart. In 2018 the subject was re-visited but again, virtually no one stepped forward to be part of the plan.

Read more on Hollesley Emergency Committee

Quiet Lanes - An Update

18 March 2021

Twelve Peninsula residents joined the Clerks of Hollesley and Bawdsey Parish Councils, along with Andrew Cassy from the Quiet Lane Suffolk team, at a Zoom meeting on 24th February. A presentation was offered and a number of questions were asked and answered. These, along with many comments received beforehand, will now go to Suffolk County Council for them to consider the lanes proposed. In some cases traffic surveys are required and the Covid restrictions may result in these being delayed but they will remain on the list and will be picked up in a later phase of the project. 

Read more on Quiet Lanes - An Update

Annual Parish Meeting

4 March 2021

The Annual Parish Meeting is NOT a Parish Council meeting, it is a meeting of the Parish, organised by the Parish Council. Last year the requirement for one to be held was suspended due to Covid-19. However, this year, in the absence of further guidance, the Parish Council feel it should take place.

Read more on Annual Parish Meeting

Dog mess on the Recreation Ground

16 February 2021

There has been a marked increase in recent months of dog mess being left on the Recreation Ground. If you have a dog in the household please remind whomever walks it that it is their responsibility to clear up after it (even in the dark!).

Read more on Dog mess on the Recreation Ground

Keeping the Precept down

2 February 2021

At the January meeting of Hollesley PC, a decision was made not to increase the Precept for 2021/22. The Precept is the amount of money passed to Hollesley PC from East Suffolk Council and is collected through your Council Tax. Like so many other Parish Councils, Hollesley PC realise that 2020 (and in to 2021) has been a very difficult year (financially and otherwise) for many residents, and we hope this helps, even if in a very small way.

Read more on Keeping the Precept down

Temporarily suspension of pre-purchase of graves in Hollesley New Cemetery

4 January 2021

At their meeting December 2020, HPC decided to temporarily suspend the pre-purchase of grave plots in the New Cemetery. The reason for this is that a number of plots have recently been purchased by young people. These plots will possibly not be used for decades to come. If this practice continues, it may be the case that, in the near future, families of residents who have passed away may find that space is limited.

Read more on Temporarily suspension of pre-purchase of graves in Hollesley New Cemetery

Where is the New Play Equipment?

25 November 2020

HPC recently made a decision to postpone installation of the five new pieces of Play Equipment until the Spring of 2021. Sorry to all the young people who were hoping to be playing on it now, but the short days and Coronavirus restrictions would have made installation at this time a difficult process.

Read more on Where is the New Play Equipment?

New Councillor WANTED

11 November 2020

Following the resignation of Cllr. Coyne after the September 2020 meeting, East Suffolk Council have now given permission for HPC to co-opt a new Councillor. If you are over 18, a UK Citizen and are on the Electoral Register for the village then you qualify (there are other qualifying criteria). If you are interested in joining us why not give the Clerk a call on 01394 411405 and find out more. 

Read more on New Councillor WANTED

Hollesley Grapevine

28 October 2020

The Village Voices is a fantastic parish magazine serving many villages on the Deben Peninsula. However, due to printing requirements the news can be three or four weeks out of date. To be alerted to the latest news you really need to sign up to the Hollesley Grapevine. This media simply sends an e-mail to you with the latest update. It may be a road closed, or a missing dog, or news of the work the Parish Council is continuing to carry out with the Ministry of Justice with regard to residents at HMP & YOI Hollesley Bay.

Read more on Hollesley Grapevine

Goodbye to Sutton Heath Football Club

13 October 2020

Just to let you know, Sutton Heath Football Club have decided to move to Sutton Memorial Hall and Recreation Ground for their home matches. We wish them all the very best for the seasons to come

Read more on Goodbye to Sutton Heath Football Club