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Dogs on Hollesley Recreation Ground

20 January 2022

Sorry to keep repeating ourselves but the message is simply not getting through to some residents. If you walk a dog on the Recreation Ground you must keep it on a lead and you must not take it within 5m of the Play Equipment.

Read more on Dogs on Hollesley Recreation Ground

Co-Option of a Parish Councillor

30 November 2021

Did you know, there is currently a vacancy on Hollesley Parish Council? Could you fill that seat?

Read more on Co-Option of a Parish Councillor

Parish Council Grants

22 September 2021

By virtue of various pieces of legislation, the Parish Council is permitted to give grants to groups and organisations who provide a service or benefit to the community.

Read more on Parish Council Grants

Do you have a concern about residents of HMP Hollesley Bay?

8 September 2021

(This communication contains words that you may wish to protect from children or vulnerable adults)

Read more on Do you have a concern about residents of HMP Hollesley Bay?

Highways Site Visit (August 2021)

27 August 2021

On 20th August 2021 Cllr. Andrew Reid (SCC Councillor for Wilford Ward), Cllr. Paul West (SCC Councillor and Cabinet Member for Highways) and Mr Peter Sparrow (SCC Highways Engineer) met with a resident of Hollesley to discuss a number of Highways related matters. The full report on these matters is here:

Read more on Highways Site Visit (August 2021)

Old Play Equipment

5 August 2021

After discussion with East Suffolk Norse, Mr David Bracey and, most importantly, users of the old play equipment, a decision has been made NOT to relocate it to next to the new equipment. It was felt the old equipment would probably not withstand being taken apart and that surfacing would need to be renewed. It was also felt that this equipment was more suitable for very young children who may enjoy a less noisy play experience. Instead, we will now look to refurbish the old equipment to ‘spruce’ it up for a few more years.

Read more on Old Play Equipment

Dogs on Hollesley Recreation Ground

22 July 2021

Hollesley Parish Council recently engaged the services of Playgrounds Inspector, Mr David Bracey, to review the Hollesley Recreation Ground and make recommendations.

Read more on Dogs on Hollesley Recreation Ground

Public Statement from Hollesley Parish Council

5 July 2021

Hollesley Parish Council would like to correct any misunderstanding about decisions it has taken with regard to the village hall roof.

Read more on Public Statement from Hollesley Parish Council

Beech Tree Felled

5 May 2021

In April 2021 it was necessary to fell a very large Beech Tree in Hollesley, which was hollow inside and very dangerous. The work to fell the tree was captured by a neighbour and can be seen in these three videos:

Read more on Beech Tree Felled

Understanding the hidden impact of periods

21 April 2021

Residents in East Suffolk are invited to have their say on how periods may impact those who experience them in a new survey.

Read more on Understanding the hidden impact of periods