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Police Van Visit

25 April 2018

For your information, the Police/Safer Neighbourhood Team Community Van will be visiting Hollesley on Monday 30th April, 2.00pm ~ 3.30pm in the Shepherd and Dog Public House Car Park.

This is a great opportunity to speak to the Police and SNT and to obtain advice from them. 

Read more on Police Van Visit

Annula Parish Meeting - TONIGHT!

11 April 2018

Hollesley's Annual Parish Meeting is tonight; 7.30pm at the Village Hall - see you there!

Read more on Annula Parish Meeting - TONIGHT!

New Councillor wanted

28 March 2018

Following the recent resignation of Cllr Tom Daly, Hollesley Parish Council now has a further vacancy for a Councillor. It is likely that we will be in a position to co-opt at the April meeting (Thursday 19th April, 7.30pm at the Village Hall). If you are interested in joining us please come along to the meeting or contact the Parish Clerk on 01394 411405 for further details.

Read more on New Councillor wanted


27 February 2018

Over the next few days the forecast is for quite a bit of snow. During this time, please look out for elderly neighbours or those who may need assistance and whose carers can't get through. Sometimes all it takes is a quick phone call or a knock on the door to check all is ok. Thank you

Read more on SNOW!

The Badgers are back!

13 February 2018

You will remember the disruption a badger's sett caused to the Shingle Street Road last year? Unfortunately the badgers are back again and trying to re-dig their sett. SCC Highways are aware of and are monitoring the situation and measures to prevent the sett being dug under the bridge again were taken.

Read more on The Badgers are back!

Time to cut those hedges back

30 January 2018

If you own a hedge that abuts the highway, please ensure it is kept cut back to your boundary. Hedges that overhang roads and paths can cause pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders to move in to the middle of the road or off the pavement and this in turn can cause other road users to swerve or break heavily.

Read more on Time to cut those hedges back

First meeting of 2018

16 January 2018

The first Hollesley Parish Council meeting of 2018 will take place on Thursday 18th January, 7.30pm in the Village Hall. We look forward to seeing you there.

Read more on First meeting of 2018

The Bayeux Tapestry comes to Melton!

2 January 2018

Until 16th February 2018 a 100% replica of the Bayeux Tapestry will be on display at Riduna Park in Melton.

Read more on The Bayeux Tapestry comes to Melton!

Welcome to a New Councillor

18 December 2017

Hollesley Parish Council welcomed Hazel Hughes as a co-opted Councillor at their December meeting. Hazel is a midwife and has lived in Hollesley over 30 years. We wish Hazel the very best in her career as a Parish Councillor.

Read more on Welcome to a New Councillor

Woods Lane Closure - Further details

24 September 2017

Woods Lane in Melton is to be closed for 4 weeks in November and 12 weeks in early 2018. The following is a message from Suffolk County Council:

Read more on Woods Lane Closure - Further details