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VE Day Celebrations in 2020

30 August 2019

In the United Kingdom on 8 May 1945, more than one million people celebrated in the streets to mark the end of the European part of World War 11. In London, crowds massed in Trafalgar Square and up the Mall to Buckingham Palace, where King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, accompanied by Prime Minister Winston Churchill, appeared on the balcony of the palace before the cheering crowdsVE Day

Read more on VE Day Celebrations in 2020

Guidance on Garden Bonfires

16 August 2019

It is a common misconception that local by-laws exist control bonfires. They do not. There are no local by-laws or regulations affecting your right to have a bonfire. It is not illegal to have a domestic bonfire for the purpose of disposing of your own garden waste.

Read more on Guidance on Garden Bonfires

Beach Watch

30 July 2019

This year Hollesley Parish Council would like to invite residents to be part of the national ‘Beach Watch’ Campaign. We invite you to meet at the ‘Concrete Road’ at Shingle Street, at 10.00am on Sunday 22nd September.

Read more on Beach Watch

Do you know which items can go in your Recycling Bin?

19 July 2019

Are you certain you know which items can and cannot go in to your Recycling Bin? Why not check out the East Suffolk Council Recycling Guide.

Read more on Do you know which items can go in your Recycling Bin?

Path through the Allotments

10 June 2019

If you use the path through the Allotments in Hollesley, you will have noticed that weeds are pushing through the new tarmac. Hollesley Parish Council are in daily contact with the contractors who laid the path and we are working with them to resolve this issue.

Read more on Path through the Allotments

Latest SID Readings

23 May 2019

You will notice the SID (Speed Indicator Device) travels around the village to different locations each month. The latest data from the device shows some good and some very disappointing results.

Read more on Latest SID Readings

Changes to the Planning Process

7 May 2019

If you are interested in planning matters in your village then this communication may be of interest to you.

Read more on Changes to the Planning Process

Annual Parish Meeting

25 April 2019

We would like to invite you to Hollesley’s Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 23rd May, 7.30pm at the Suffolk Punch Trust (a change to previous advertisements).

Read more on Annual Parish Meeting

New Allotment Path

29 March 2019

Have you seen the allotment path? What an improvement! We would like to thank both Dist. Cllr. Christine Block and Cnty. Cllr. Andrew Reid for contributing to the cost of renewing this path through their ‘Enabling Communities’ and ‘Locality’ budgets

Read more on New Allotment Path

New Village Sign

15 February 2019

You may be wondering where the new Village Sign project is up to. Well, it is good news. The actual sign is safely stored away and it looks stunning (we can’t wait to show it off). The metal surround is now in the process of being made, along with decorative scrolls and the whole frame will then be treated. It is hoped that the sign will be erected sometime in the late spring but we are also dependent on other third parties to carryout work so we can’t be precise.

Read more on New Village Sign