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Parking on the Knoll

31 January 2019

The knoll is the small triangle of land at the bottom of School Road, where it meets The Street. This used to be the centre of the village with shops, a pub and the church. Please can we very politely ask that drivers do not park on this grass. The land is very soft and wheel markings then make the cutting of the grass much more difficult. Thank you.

Read more on Parking on the Knoll

2019 LItter Pick

15 January 2019

A date for your diary….the 2019 Hollesley Litter Pick will be Saturday 16th March. Meet at the Village Hall at 9.30am. Please wear bright clothing and appropriate footwear. Gloves, picking sticks and sacks will be provided.

Read more on 2019 LItter Pick

Parish Council Grants

11 December 2018

At its meeting on 15th November, HPC discussed all grant requests received for payment in April 2019. Grants totalling over £5,000 were agreed (full list available from the Clerk) and the Council is delighted to continue to help local organisations and clubs.

Read more on Parish Council Grants

New Footpaths Wardens are in place

12 November 2018

We are delighted to announce that three Footpaths Wardens have been appointed: Laurie Forsyth, Joanna van der Hoeven and Russell Davey.

Read more on New Footpaths Wardens are in place

Road Closure

29 October 2018

Today sees the start of a 4 week closure of The Street in Hollesley; outside the Shepherd and Dog Inn. Please use the official diversions whenever possible and do not attempt to remove the barriers to drive through the road closure. If you witness anyone doing this please report this to the police on 101.

Read more on Road Closure

Footpaths Warden for Hollesley

24 September 2018

A great response was recently received to our plea for a Footpaths Warden to step forward. Three keen residents have put their name in the hat and the role will be split between them. If you notice an issue with a footpath please contact the Parish Council on 01394 411405

Read more on Footpaths Warden for Hollesley

Public Meeting

30 August 2018

Further to a recent announcement from HMP & YOI Hollesley Bay (see page 19 of the September Village Voices) a Public Meeting has been arranged for:

Read more on Public Meeting

Changes at HMP and YOI Hollesley Bay

6 August 2018

The Governor of HMP and YOI Hollesley Bay has recently written to Hollesley Parish Council regarding a change in the category of personnel to be held at the prison. The full letter can be read here.

Read more on Changes at HMP and YOI Hollesley Bay

Councillors sought

30 May 2018

Hollesley Parish Council are currently seeking two new Councillors. If you think you could step up to the mark please contact the Parish Clerk who will be delighted to speak to you

Read more on Councillors sought

Additional Meeting of Hollesley Parish Council

11 May 2018

Please be aware that Hollesley Parish Council will be holding an additional meeting on Monday 14th May. The meeting will be held in the Village Hall Committee Room from 6.00pm. The agenda is available on the notice boards and on our 'Meetings' page.

Read more on Additional Meeting of Hollesley Parish Council