Home > Parish Council > Councillors


The Councillors who presently serve Hollesley Parish Council are detailed below:

Name Role Area of Speciality
Brian Devine Chair Planning and Personnel
Carolyn Bevan-Biggs  Councillor Play Park, and Personnel
Trevor Burbridge Councillor   Finance, and Planning
Sharon Bushnell Councillor  
Roger Dawson Councillor Public Relations
John Hardwick Councillor SALC, and Finance
Peter Jacks Councillor Finance
Igor Kaligarič Councillor Oak Hill
David Physick Councillor Finance
Andy Rust Councillor Oak Hill
Anna Yates Councillor Hollesley Village Hall Trustee

To contact a Councillor please telephone the Clerk on 01394 411405. 

Councillor's interests are disclosed on the East Suffolk Council register (see link below). Please select "Hollesley" as the Ward to view individual Councillor declarations.

East Suffolk Council - Register of Interest