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Hollesley Community Speedwatch Group

21 March 2022

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Like all villages, Hollesley has an issue with some drivers ignoring the speed limits and driving too fast on our roads. However, a group of Hollesley residents are having an impact on these people.

The Hollesley Community Speed Watch Group are a band of eight volunteers who carryout random checks on drivers in designated locations throughout the village. The locations and equipment used are all certified by Suffolk Constabulary and all details are passed to Suffolk Constabulary allowing them to send letters to the registered owner of each vehicle to remind them of the speed limit in the village.

These volunteers really are making a difference. Checks carried out at the end of 2021 regularly recorded over a dozen drivers at over 35 MPH (in a 30 MPH area), in a one hour period. However, in the first session of 2022, just two drivers’ details were taken. Of course this could be a blip in the data and regular session will continue but perhaps, just perhaps, the word is getting out.

Hollesley PC would like to thank the eight volunteers of the CSW Group; you know who you are and you are doing a sterling job; thank you.