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Community Emergency Plan

Picture this!! A tidal surge floods land from Shingle Street to the eastern aspect of Hollesley village hub. Boyton to the north and Alderton to the south are also flooded. Storms and high winds fell trees on the main road from Hollesley to Melton. Electric power fails throughout the area. We’re cut off! What now?

Climate change is producing more extreme weather conditions so this could become a reality. You’ll find a ‘flood plains map’ of Hollesley (prepared by the Environment Agency) on each of the three notice boards. Please take a little time out of your day to have a look at it.

It’s clear that Hollesley needs to build a comprehensive Community Emergency Plan so that we’re equipped to help ourselves and others if such a situation arises. The creation of such a Plan will be an ongoing project to be built on month by month by appealing for people, skills and resources via Village Voices. In this edition we’re looking for individuals and organisations to come forward who could assist with road-clearing operations. For example, anyone with access to tractors, chainsaws, other tools and equipment, 4x4s or simply people willing to come out and ‘roll their sleeves up’ to help if the situation arose.

Volunteers please contact the Parish Clerk on 01394 411405 or at hollesleyparishclerk@gmail.com